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susan john


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Susan is a lawyer by qualification, a boarding Superintendent by profession, a yoga teacher and an author. Her Site is all about life, living it the way God has blessed us with, finding and connecting to things and people that matter. Valuing ourself above all, to being thankful & grateful for our family, friends, and the work we do.  She says, the decisions  made by her and the  blessings she counts everyday comes through the storms that she faced. Being a woman with various roles in life and enjoys the challenges that comes with each. Her favorite quote and action  is "Keeping her MIND open to learning, unlearning and relearning", which is the key that keeps her young at heart . Life she says, is full of wonderful surprises as well as hardships, that only makes one stronger, provided you trust the process. She hopes to connect with like-minded people, inspire people through her Life-experiences and reach out to them to understand themselves and have the courage to face the adversities in life.   

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6p.m     Saturdays- 10am - 12 noon Sun: Closed, Time as per IST

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